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This Month's Green Note - June 2024

Year End Review and Announcements...

Picture of Mrs. Ana Maria Escobar

NACS Bids Farewell to Ms. Catron

After five years of service at Naples Adventist Christian School, Ms. Jessica Catron decided to answer God’s calling into another vineyard. Ms. Carton will be joining the team at one of our sister schools in Michigan. Ms. Caton is blessed in many areas of teaching, one being English and another, and most important, the Bible. She will be teaching both to the high school students there. I for one will surely miss my teaching partner; but we know that when God closes a door, He opens a window. I invite each of you to pray that God will open that window by sending the right fit for our school to fill this great void.

Before leaving, Ms. Catron had the privilege of giving the Commencement address to her eight grade students. This year we graduated ten students, a first for NACS.

Congratulations and farewell, Ms. Catron. I know God has great plans for you!

Did Someone Say Graduation?

The kindergarteners and the eighth graders shared the stage during this years’ graduation. Mrs. Jennie’s precious kindergarteners could not help being absolutely adorable. They sang their songs, recited their parts, and wiggled their way through a wonderful ceremony.

As the eight grade students marched in to “Pomp and Circumstance,” they were confident in their steps, as well as their achievements. As mentioned before, their very own classroom teacher, Ms. Jessica Catron delivered the Commencement address. Ms. Catron used the Bible story of Nehemiah to remind the students that no matter what issues may arise as they move forward, they have nothing to be afraid of because their great and wonderful God is on their side.


Pool Party… YEAH!

Regardless of all that happened this year, we can honestly say the year ended with a ‘SPLASH!’  :D

Parents, teacher, and students were able to do a bit of relaxing in the sun by the pool to end the school year. This has become an annual tradition for NACS…and one that is well deserved by all.

Now may the Lord bless us and keep us. May the Lord cause his face to shine on us, and be gracious to us. May the Lord lift up His countenance upon us, and give us peace during this summer break.

Have an amazing summer!

Serving Him and loving it!


Verse of the Month

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.  (Psalm 67:1)

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