As they say in the south, "it's fall, y'all!"
So Much to Say...
“Celebrate the Festival of Weeks with the firstfruits of the wheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingathering at the turn of the year.” (Exodus 34:22) September 23rd is recognized as the first day of Autumn; and as they say in the south, “It’s fall, y’all!” :D
Here’s a Look Back at September
· Our first MAP Assessment was taken and the scores are out. The results will be shared during our first Parent/Teacher Conference on October 10th.
· The students had their hearing and vision tested. The six graders had their scoliosis test. Parents are asked to see their regular physician if the student did not pass a segment of the test.
· We had two wonderful family get-togethers this past month: Breakfast on the Beach and Curriculum Night. The turn out was great for each event. Thank you, parents!
· The middle school students had elections for Student Government. Here are the results:
President: Zephania Valentine Vice President: Thana St. Vil Chaplain: John Nicholas Perez Secretary: Anthony Worrie Treasurer: David Nelson Congratulations to each of these students!
· In celebration for completing their summer packets, the middle school students went to the zoo. They got back a little late (sorry, parents), but a good time was had by all.
· The middle school students were not the only ones having an eventful time in the classroom. Mrs. Carballo’s PreK/Kindergarten class recognized Hispanic Month and finished their Healthy Meal Curriculum. The class celebrated with delicious fruits. YUM!
October Happenings
· October 6 — Teacher Cohort (No school for students)
· October 9 — Columbus Day (No school for students)
· October 10 — Parent/Teacher Conferences (Early dismissal @ 12:30 pm for students) (All parents must attend this first conference. Teachers will be sending out conference invitations to parents.)
· October 13 — End of First Quarter
· October 17 — Report cards will come out (The report card will be sent home in a yellow envelope. Please take out and sign the report card, then return it in the envelope.)
· October 23 — Red Ribbon Week
October 30-November 3 — Fall Week of Prayer (Pastor Art of the Naples Church will be our speaker.)
Hey parents, it is now October. All students, except for our newest students, are to be in proper school uniforms. In the next couple of weeks, if the students are not dressed according to policy, we will be sending our warning notices. Just a reminder, pants with elastic around the bottom, draw string pants, and skirts shorter than the reach of a finger tip above the knee are not considered proper school uniforms. PE shirts and shorts must be purchased from our online store. Boys and girls in grades 3-8 are expected to wear a belt if the pants have loops.
Families on the Altar of Prayer
These families were lifted up in prayer during the month of September:
· Aguilar
· Alabre
· Bazole
These families will be lifted up in the month of October:
· Bellane
· Boileau
· Carballo
· Belen/Cintron
This Month’s Scripture
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV)
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