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This Month's Green Note - September 2023

Welcome Back to School!

Picture of Mrs. Ana Maria Escobar

Something New...

“Behold, I am doing something new; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” Isaiah 43:19 is one of my favorite texts. We know the only constant in life is change, but how wonderful it is to know that Christ is in the mist of all of our changes. This year there are a few changes at NACS that I will re-emphasize. We are partnering with Bubbakoo’s in order that our families will have the option of a hot lunch for their children. We again, welcome Ana Escobar, our new treasurer, who many of you met during Parent Orientation. In addition, we have a new uniform vendor, that allows us to order uniforms online at anytime. Speaking of uniforms, I am noticing that many of our students are not wearing proper uniforms… yet, I do realize that some of the uniforms are on back order. My hope is that all uniforms are in by the end of September. Starting October 1st, we will start doing uniform checks at the school. (See the handbook for information on uniform infractions and consequences.) Finally, Family on the Altar of Prayer, will be a new segment of our newsletter. Each week the school board, the administration, and the faculty will intentionally lift up a family in prayer.

August Highlights... The famous folklore coined by Thomas Fuller says, “March comes in like a lion and leaves like a lamb.” This year I would say, “August came in like a lamb and left like a lion.” What should have been a joyous start to the school year found me at the bedside of a family member praying for a miracle. During the second week of school, we were visited by Hurricane Idalia, which forced us to close the school, and postpone Curriculum Night. On a lighter note, I do want to welcome back all of our current families, and welcome in our new families. I am so sorry I was not at Parent Orientation to welcome you properly. (Thank you Mary Ann Rule for stepping in for me!) NACS would not be here if not for our families, so welcome, welcome, welcome!

September Happenings...

On September 4th, we will recognize Labor Day. The students were off on September 1st due to Teacher Professional Development. This month promises to be a busy one!

  • September 4 — Labor Day (No School)

  • September 5-15 — MAP Testing

  • September 6 — Health Screening (for grades 1st, 3rd, & 6th)

  • September 7 — Curriculum Night

  • September 8 — Pizza Friday

  • September 10 — Breakfast on the Beach

  • September 11 — Lunch Program Begins

This Month’s Scripture

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old one has passed away; behold, the new one has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

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