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This Week's Green Note - May 16, 2022

Last One Best One


Hello NACS Family,

Believe it or not this is the last week of school. It is so hard to wrap my head around the fact that I’ve just completed one school year at NACS. Truth be told, I feel like I just got here. Wow!

We have a lot on our plates this week, and we are going to need the help of our wonderful parents in order for everything to run smoothly. Tuesday, will be our Field Day. A day of games and fun for the students. Field Day will begin at 9:00 and end by lunch time. Each student will be on a team. So we are asking that you check with your child to see what color t-shirt they need to wear. Snacks will be sold so please send a few dollars with your child(ren). If you could volunteer your time for our special day, it would greatly be appreciated. Just let us know that you are coming. :D

On Wednesday, we are having Awards Day. This will be for grades 1-7. Awards Day will be held at the church from 9-10:15. Again, we will need your help to transport students to the church.

On Thursday, most of our teachers will be ending the year with some sort of party as well as cleaning and packing things away for the summer. Our eighth graders and kindergarteners will have their graduation program starting at 6:00 on this day as well.

Friday, is the last day of school. This will be a half day for our students. Our plan is to go swimming at Eagle Lake Aquatic Park. We will need the students dropped off at that location on Friday morning. Please note there is no aftercare on Friday.

We wish each and everyone an enjoyable summer break.


Weekly Scripture

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory

of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

(Habakkuk 2:14)

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