"I LOVE U" Breakfast is February 15...

January started out with some bumps and bruises, but they were good bumps and bruises. The students, teachers and parents had a wonderful time ice skating. Each year the students go to the Hertz Arena as a beginning-of-year celebration. This year was no exception. Many of our parents came out, not only to drive, but to take part in the fun. Thank you, parents. I love your courage!
In January we also had our Honor’s Day program. This event was for students in grades 3-8 only. I’m proud to say congratulations to our Honor Roll students: Zayden Donus, Prince Louidor, Lynn Blondley Fils-Aime, Scarlett Magloire, and Joy Perez. Our next program will take place in May.
Lastly, January ended with parent/teacher conferences and re-enrollment. This year we tried to make re-enrollment a bit more convenient. Currently, our enrollment count is higher than it has been in the history of the school. To God be the glory! And we are on track to exceed this year’s number. Please continue to keep our school in your prayers that God will increase our space, along with our numbers. I know He can and I believe He will!
Dates to Remember
February 14 — Valentine’s Day
February 15 — I Love U Breakfast
February 16 — Teacher Cohort (No School for Students)
February 16 — Open Enrollment Begins for New Students
February 19 — President’s Day (No School)
Families on the Altar of Prayer
Verse of the Month
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go look for the one that wandered off?” (Matthew 18:12 NIV)
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